That's what I've given to this project!! I have literally given my lifeblood to this project; I also liberally doused studio 4, the first year floor and Hazel Egan! Behold - my battle wounds:
So nearly a week on from the fateful day I'm out of the sling and with only a plaster and an eerie numbness to show for it. Anyhow, why was I slicing and dicing?
A life sized lino cut! See my intention was to run up about 10 of these and build up an army but it was not meant to be, between the hospital and the sling I was out of action. Thankfully Des McMahon, my savior, printed one up for me on the last Friday of the semester. THANK YOU DES!!! But the fates attempted to thwart me once again, the store room was all out of paper, no news print, no cardboard, nada. But the technicians are crafty people and Gillian brought me upstairs to the fashion store and sent me back with translucent cotton. The result:
IT LIVES! It's not quite as detailed as I would have liked but better something then nothing yes? The cool thing is that the cotton is that you can see through it, the print is like a shadow. So the viewer can have the shadow of the hoody wearer superimposed on them, they can see what it looks like and see from inside the mask as so to speak, so hurray for accidents!
I'm so freaked out about the upcoming assessment, sleep loss freaked out. I've been playing around with different set ups for my work, it currently looks like the lay out on the left, I took down the "WORK IT HARDER" on Mike Cannings advice, he was right, it was too dominant for such a minor factor in the project, it might give the viewer the wrong idea. I miss the colour but they'll see it in the video, or will they?? I'm not even sure I want to show it!! In situations like this without any definitive right or wrong answer it all comes down to what you do and what you don't do. Keep you posted on what I get down to over the holidays.