Thursday, April 14, 2011


Done, done, I am finished with theoretical physics, a3 vs. a4 printing, GRIDS, pharmacies, thermodynamics,  baking soda, Tupperware, the laminator and clocks, DONE I SAY!
On Tuesday we turned in our final design solutions for the ranking project:

There's my research folder, my book covers (one on the wall and a copy on the dummy book) and part of my conceptual book.

 Part one of my conceptual book is the ingredients for a "bathbomb". It's a fizzy tablet, like an alka seltzer or a berrocca that you can drop into your bath to create the illusion of an extremely shoddy jacuzzi. To make one yourself all you need is one part citric acid (you can get this in pharmacies and it's far less dramatic then it sounds, also you can use it to make sherbit!) to tow parts baking soda. You bind the two by carefully spritzing on witch hazel (also from pharmacies, its a good toner for your skin!), I say carefully because if you add too much it starts the reaction between the acid and the soda. Then you pack the mixture into your mould and let it dry overnight. 

So in my kit there's all the ingredients, a mini bomb, a tub to mould it into, some stirrers, and of course safety gear (including 3d glasses, very appropriate to the dimensional theme! I also related each ingredient to a particular dimension, the idea being that once combined, they'll create the fifth dimension, the tesseract! 

Above are stills from the video I recorded of  my tesseract in action. I made one about the size of a shoebox and inside I laminated the chapter which explains tessering. Y'see tessering is how you use the 5th dimension to travel, you'll disappear in one place and re-materialize in another, so when my "book cover" fizzes away, the pages will appear, disappearing, reappearing, see what I did there?

So the whole production went off better then I could have hoped for, nothing spilled, the block foamed up in a timely fashion, the pages stayed watertight, the lights worked nicely. In fact things worked a little too well, the universe was displeased with my non-failure and decided I would have to bathe the ladies room in 10 liters of discount sprite just to put me in my place. I am very sorry about our now lemony/sticky ladies room....


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